International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research (IJIER)
Frequency: monthly Publication Type: Online and Print
In order to speed up the dissemination of knowledge, all published papers in this journal are available online to all the readers. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Any reproduction or commercial use of these articles is prohibited.
To maintain the open-access mode and ensure the strict reviewing and editing process, provide valuable comments and efficient publication service to the authors (peer-reviewing, proofreading, typesetting, archiving etc.), accepted paper will be charged $100.
If the paper is accepted for publication, author(s) will be asked to pay 100 USD as article publication fee in order to defray the operating costs. Waiver policy is not applicable. Author(s) will be entitled to one copy of the printed journal with free of charge i.e. one printed copy is provided against one article disregarding the number of the authors. Authors can also get additional copies of the printed journal by paying 30 USD for each additional copy.
You have to pay the publication fee through Western Union/ Xpress Money / Trans fast / International Money Express / Money Gram
We recommended for cash payout. It is fast proses to payment. Bank deposit can be take 3 day to one week for transaction. Cash payout can take one day for transaction.
Note: - Please provide all information for receiving money.
1. Search for an agent location near you.
2. Complete the Send Money form.
3. Give the agent the completed form with the applicable funds (including transaction fee) in cash.
4. Save your receipt and tracking number (MTCN). Your receiver will need the tracking number (MTCN) for pickup and you'll need it to track your transfer.
Note: Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, regulatory issues, identification requirements, differences in time zones or selection of delayed options. Additional restrictions may apply. See Send Money form terms and conditions for details.
1. Sender visits xpress money agent location. submits valid id card and the receiver’s details.
2. Selects a convenient payout mode. We recommended Cash To Cash
3. Hands over the amount to be sent and the transfer fee
4. Sender receives 16-digit XPIN number.
5. Sender communicates the 16-digit XPIN number to the receiver
For more info visit: Xpress Money
Please contact with Transfast
Review the simple steps below, to learn how to send money.
Step 1 - Estimate the cost to transfer money .
Step 2 - Find a MoneyGram agent with our locater.
Step 3 - Visit your local MoneyGram agent^ - Bring one or more forms of government issued identification
such as: Passport, Driver's license, National identity card, Government issued ID
Step 4 - Complete a simple money transfer form
Hand the completed form to your MoneyGram agent along with the money you want to send, plus fees.
You'll receive a receipt and reference number for the transaction.
Save both for your records and share with the person receiving the money transfer.
Step 5 - Contact the person receiving your money transfer
Let the person to whom you are sending money know the transfer has been sent and provide the Reference Number
1. Visit any one of the IME’s principal companies, branches or agents to send your money.
2. Make sure that you carry a valid identification card and the amount of money to be sent.
3. Fill out the remittance sending form mentioning your and receiver’s personal details. Handover the duly filled form, remittance amount and the transfer fees to the agent.
4. Get a unique eleven digit IME Control Number (ICN). Send this number to the receiver so that the receiver can use this number to collect payment from any of IME agents in his/her country.
For more info please contact with: International Money Express
If you’re ready to start the bank wire process.
Contact Your Bank
Contact your bank and ask how to do a bank wire from your account. They may have a form that you have to fill out, or you might be able to start the process online.
Depending on when you submit instructions to your bank, they may complete your bank wire on that same day. Contact your bank after you submit your request to confirm that they have everything they need.
You’ll need the following information: This information will provide by the editor
Recipient bank name (the bank you’re sending money to)
Recipient bank ABA number or other code like BIC/ SWIFT/ IBAN
Payee’s account number at the bank
Payee’s Bank address
Western Union
Xpress Money
Trans Fast
Money Gram
International Money Express
Bank Wire Transfer
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